1924-2024 100 YEARS

In 1924 life was very different than in 2024! In the United States of

America the average income was $2,200, a new car cost $265 and a new

house $7,720. A gallon of gas was 11 cents, a loaf of bread cost 9 cents,

and gallon of milk sold for 54 cents. Life expectancy was 54 years.

Calvin Coolidge was president and re-elected in November, Two

future presidents were born: Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush.

J.Edgar Hoover was appointed head of the Federal Bureau of

Investigation.The US ended military occupation of Dominican Republic and

St. Petersburg Russia was renamed Stalingrad until 1991.

Wyoming elected the first female state governor, the Canadian

Hockey League expanded into the US by including the Boston Bruins. Two

US Army pilots completed the first aerial circumnavigation of the globe, 175

days and 74 stops.



As part of the process of chartering a new Rotary Club, a

demographic survey was done. Noting that both Newcastle and

Damariscotta were practically one town, the combined population was

2,200 (Bristol 3,000; Nobleboro 700; Bremen 500). The principle business

activities were “Business Centre” and Yacht Building Concerns (employing

15-30 men).

The list included 2 manufacturing plants, 1 wholesaler, 2 banks, no

insurance companies or general agents, 2 public service corporations, 60

retail merchants, 1 academy (Lincoln), 4 schools, 5 churches, 2 hotels, 1railroad, 1 newspaper, 5 attorneys, 3 physicians and 2 dentists. The

Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Leon Dodge, listed as “Bank

Cashier” of First National Bank.


Harold (Cracky) Page

Pages Marble and Granite

Linwood (Matt) Pierce

Yellowfront Grocery, Damariscotta

Rev. Charles Waldren

Clergyman, Damariscotta Baptist Church

Jonah Morse

Ship Building

George C. Pastorius

Muscongus Lumber, Newcastle

Edward B. Denny

Round Top Farms, Damariscotta

Chester F. Leighton

Bath Garage (automobile retailing) Damariscotta

Henry (Skip) Clifford

Hardware Retail, Damariscotta

Albert P. Bennett

Automobile Garage, Service Station, Damariscotta

William (Billy) B. Reed

Ice Retail, School Street, DamariscottaWilliam Glidden Hodgkins

Meat retailing

Dwight T Hussey

Alvin Hussey & Sons, dry goods, Damariscotta

Otis (Skeet) S. Page

Shoe retail, Damariscotta

Horace T. Poland

Drug Retail, Damariscotta

Wilder W. Dodge

Men’s Clothing Retail, Damariscotta

Samuel (Sam) H. Erskine

Newspaper Publishing, Damariscotta

James (Jimmie) L. Bryne

D-N Water Company, Damariscotta

William T. Loud

Lincoln County Inns, Damariscotta

Phineas (Phinney) H. Gay

Feed & Grain Retailing, Newcastle

Dr. Ralph Griffin

Dentist, Damariscotta

George H. Melville

Agent, Maine Central Railroad, Damariscotta

Leon A. Dodge

Cashier, First National Bank Damariscotta

Ellis W Nash

Nash Telephone Co., Damariscotta