The Hermit of Manana
Feb 05, 2019 7:00 AM
Bobby Ives
The Hermit of Manana

Thousands of people head out to sea every year to soak in the idyllic atmosphere of Monhegan Island, Maine.  That magnetic pull  has been drawing artists and tourists to her shores for over a hundred years.  Stepping off of the ferry, one can't help but notice the tiny island  of Manana that flanks the opposite side of the harbor.  "It's where the hermit used to live",  state those who know, "He lived there for 50 years." Hard to believe, when you look over at the piles of rocks and windswept grass. It's suitable for seagulls, that's about it, but then there was this young man, Captain Ray Phillips, who saw Manana as the perfect place to live for the rest of his life


A unique person of Maine, living on an island just off the Island of moneghan....local lore made even more interesting by Bobby!